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Driving school in Eindhoven

Personal approach - High quality driving lessons - Defensive driving style

10 lessons

  • 10 lessons of 60 minutes
  • € 50 discount
  • Start within a week
  • Multiple lessons per week

15-lesson package

  • 15 lessons of 60 minutes
  • € 75 discount
  • Start within a week
  • Multipble lessons per week

20-lesson package

  • 20 lessons of 60 minutes
  • € 100 discount
  • Start within a week
  • Multiple lessons per week

25-Lesson package

  • 25 lessons of 60 minutes
  • € 125 discount
  • CBR Practical Test
  • Multiple lessons per week
  • Start within a week

35-lesson package

  • 35 lessons of 60 minutes
  • CBR Practical Test
  • € 175 discount
  • Multiple lessons per week
  • Start within a week

43-lesson package

  • 43 lessons of 60 minutes
  • CBR Practical Test
  • € 215 discount
  • Multiple lessons per week
  • Start within a week

The best driving school for Automatic driving lessons in English in Eindhoven

Are you looking for a  automatic driving school in English in Eindhoven to get your Dutch driving license? Look no further! Eindhoven is a vibrant city, and learning to drive here can be a seamless experience, especially with automatic driving lessons tailored to English speakers. Whether you’re an expat, international student, or a resident aiming to get your driver’s license, our driving school offers comprehensive automatic driving lessons designed to suit your needs.

Why Choose Automatic Driving Lessons in Eindhoven?

Opting for automatic driving lessons simplifies the learning process. Without the need to master gear shifting, you can focus more on road awareness and driving techniques. This can be especially beneficial for English speakers who might find it challenging to adapt to a new language and driving style simultaneously.

Expert Instructors Fluent in English

Our driving instructors are not only proficient in driving but also fluent in English. They provide clear instructions, making the learning process smoother and more enjoyable. They understand the unique challenges faced by English-speaking learners and are skilled at addressing these effectively.

Customized Learning Plans

We offer customized learning plans that cater to your individual pace and schedule. Whether you prefer intensive courses or weekly lessons, we have flexible options to ensure you gain confidence and competence behind the wheel. Our goal is to make sure you feel comfortable and well-prepared for your driving test.

Convenient Location

Located in the heart of Eindhoven, our driving school is easily accessible, making it convenient for you to attend lessons. We also offer pick-up and drop-off services, adding an extra layer of convenience to your learning journey.

Competitive Pricing

We believe quality driving lessons should be affordable. Our competitive pricing ensures you receive top-notch instruction without breaking the bank. We offer various packages and payment plans to suit different budgets and needs.

Positive Reviews and Success Stories

Our driving school boasts numerous positive reviews from satisfied students who have successfully obtained their driver’s licenses. Their success stories are a testament to our commitment to providing high-quality automatic driving lessons in English.

Book Your Lessons Today!

Ready to start your driving journey in Eindhoven? Book your automatic driving lessons with us today! Our friendly staff is here to assist you every step of the way, from enrollment to the final driving test. Contact us now to schedule your first lesson and take the first step towards becoming a confident and skilled driver in Eindhoven.

Enjoy the ease of driving with the automatic driving lessons and our high-quality and structured teaching methods at our Driving School in Eindhoven

We offer manual and automatic lessons tailored for international students and expats. With a remarkable CBR passing rate, our experienced and fluent English-speaking instructors ensure a comfortable learning experience. Schedule lessons at your convenience, with weekend and evening hours available. Enjoy the added convenience of our pick-up and drop-off service. 

Choose automatic driving lessons to get your B license easily, as we believe in making the process of learning to drive simple, enjoyable, and stress-free.

Trial lesson in an Automatic car in Eindhoven

Start your driving course with a trial lesson in an atumatic car in Eindhoven. We offer trial sessions in English in Eindhoven that allows you to experience what we have to offer.

The trial lesson aims to evaluate your driving skills, pinpoint strengths, and identify areas for improvement. Our experienced instructor will provide insights, and you’ll also receive an estimate of the number of lessons needed to pass the CBR driving test.

At the end of your trial lesson, a driving lesson package will be proposed. You will have a 3-day grace period to make your decision.

Obtain your driver’s license with fewer lessons, and any unused driving lessons from your package will be refunded. If you require more lessons, you can purchase additional lessons.

Feel free to share any specific goals or concerns. We’re dedicated to tailoring our lessons to your needs for an effective learning experience.

A trial lesson lasts 60 minutes and costs € 35,-.

Why choose our driving school?

  1. Very high CBR the first time pass rate: See our CBR passing rate
  2. No language barrier: The driving instructor speaks English fluently.
  3. Transparency: No hidden fees, no surprises—just a straightforward and honest approach.
  4. Pick up and drop off service: We can pick you up from your home or office.  If possible even during your lunch break from your office.
  5. Detailed invoices: Receive detailed invoices that break down every aspect of your purchase, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of your expenses.
  6. Personalized approach: We understand that every student is unique. Your trial lesson will be tailored to your skill level and learning style, ensuring you get the most out of the experience.

How long does it take to get your driving license in Netherlands?

A fast learner needs about 35 driving lessons to pass the driving test. Imagine reaching the level to pass your driving test after 35 lessons. The entire driving course takes approximately 10-12 weeks, based on taking two lessons of  1.5-hour per week. 

EDUDRIVE Theory training B in English

The best preparation for your theory exam

Edudrive: smart learning for your theory
Would you like to pass your driver’s license and drive safely for a lifetime? Then choose Edudrive’s new theory course. Learn everything about traffic theory easily and quickly using short texts, clear images, useful animations and practice as much as you want.

Learn at any time, wherever you want. From a book or from your phone. Do you find a subject difficult? The question system then adapts automatically. This way you will be 100% prepared for the exam!

Intensive driving course in Eindhoven in English

Are you looking for an intensive driving course in Eindhoven in English? Our driving school offers specialized intensive driving courses tailored for English speakers. Whether you’re an expat, international student, or local resident, our comprehensive courses are designed to help you pass your driving test quickly and confidently.

Benefits of an Intensive Driving Course

An intensive driving course is ideal for those who want to learn to drive in a short period. By taking daily or frequent lessons, you can immerse yourself in driving and accelerate your learning process. This approach is perfect for individuals with busy schedules or those needing to obtain their driver’s license swiftly.

Expert English-Speaking Instructors

Our team of experienced driving instructors are fluent in English, ensuring clear communication throughout your lessons. They understand the unique challenges faced by English-speaking learners and are adept at providing instruction that caters to your needs, making the learning process smooth and efficient.

Personalized Learning Experience

We offer personalized learning plans tailored to your individual pace and skill level. Our intensive driving courses are designed to build your confidence quickly, focusing on essential driving skills and road safety. Whether you’re a beginner or need a refresher course, we adapt our teaching methods to ensure you progress effectively.

The Best driving school in Eindhoven

Are you looking for the best driving school in Eindhoven? Look no further! Our driving school in Eindhoven offers top-notch driving lessons tailored to your needs. With experienced instructors and a high success rate, we ensure you become a confident and skilled driver. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to brush up on your skills, we provide comprehensive training that covers all aspects of safe and responsible driving. Enroll today at the best driving school in Eindhoven and take the first step towards earning your driver’s license. Join us and experience the highest quality driving education in the region!

Convenient Scheduling and Location

Our driving school is conveniently located in Eindhoven, making it easy to fit lessons into your schedule. We offer flexible lesson timings and can even provide pick-up and drop-off services, ensuring maximum convenience for our students.

Affordable Pricing Options

We believe in providing high-quality driving instruction at competitive prices. Our intensive driving courses are priced affordably, with various packages and payment plans to suit different budgets. We are committed to delivering excellent value for your investment in your driving education.

Proven Success Rate

Our driving school has a high success rate, with many students passing their driving tests on the first attempt. Our intensive driving courses are structured to give you the best chance of success, with a focus on practical skills and test preparation.

Start Your Intensive Driving Course Today!

Ready to accelerate your path to a driver’s license? Enroll in our intensive driving course in Eindhoven in English today! Contact us to book your course and take the first step towards becoming a confident, skilled driver in no time.

Refresher driving lessons in Eindhoven

Enjoy the ease of driving and improve your driving skills with our refresher driving lessons in Eindhoven. We can help you to gain enough confidence to get behind the wheels and drive safely. 

CBR Practical Exam

Do you want to make sure you are fully prepared for your CBR practical exam before making a reservation? 

We aim to help you to get your Dutch driver’s license without unnecessary pressure. Our experienced instructor will assess with you when you have developed the necessary skills and confidence to successfully take the CBR practical exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we offer both manual and automatic driving lessons in Eindhoven, Veldhoven, Waalre, Nuenen, Geldrop and Best. 

You can easily enroll through our online registration form on the website, send us an SMS or Whatsapp message. As during the driving lessons we do not answer the phone calls, We contact you as soon as possible to answer your questions.

General overview of the steps involved in getting a Dutch driving license:

  1. Eligibility:

    • You must be a resident of the Netherlands to apply for a Dutch driving license.
  2. Theory Exam (Theorie-examen):

    • Before you can apply for a practical driving test, you’ll need to pass the theory exam.
    • You can study for the theory exam using a study book or online resources.
    • The theory exam is typically available in multiple languages, including English.
  3. Practical Lessons (Praktijklessen):

    • You must complete a certain number of practical driving lessons with a licensed driving instructor.
    • The number of lessons required can vary depending on your skill level and the type of license you’re applying for.
  4. Health Declaration (Gezondheidsverklaring):

    • You’ll need to fill out a health declaration form (Gezondheidsverklaring) to ensure you are physically and mentally fit to drive.
  5. Practical Driving Test (Praktijkexamen):

    • Find a driving school for your driving course. Once you’ve completed your practical lessons and are ready, your driving school will schedule a practical driving test with the Central Office for Motor Vehicle Driver Testing (CBR).
    • During the test, you will demonstrate your driving skills to an examiner.
  6. Pass the Test:

    • If you pass both the theory and practical tests, you’ll be eligible to receive your Dutch driving license.
  7. License Application:

    • After passing the tests, you can apply for a Dutch driving license at your local municipality’s office.
    • You’ll need to provide proof of identity, a passport photographresidency, and pay the required fees.
  8. Receive Your License:

    • Once your application is approved, you’ll receive your Dutch driving license within a week.

A CBR theory est in English in 2024 costs € 54,-

You need less or more an average of 40 lessons of an hour to pass the driving test in The Netherlands.

A driving lesson in a package costs €55 per hour. That is a €5 discount per hour compared to a single driving lesson, which costs €60 per hour.

Yes, we picked up from home, work or school location and drop off again at one of these locations.

You can request your theory exam for the car via the My CBR site.

The trial lesson lasts 60 minutes and costs € 35,-. 

 A standard driving lesson lasts for 60 minutes. However, we offer 90-minutes lessons each time so you have enough time to practice.

Your driving course will take approximately 10-12 weeks.

Our CBR the first time passing rate is 75%, It gets updated every three months. See our CBR the first time test pass rate.

Yes, our instructor is qualified and certified by IBKI and has extensive experience in teaching driving.

Yes, we offer intensive courses for learners who want to obtain their driver’s license quickly in 1, 2 or 3 weeks.

An Interim driving test (TTT – Tussentijdse Toets) is an optional driving examination that you can take before the regular practical driving test for your driver’s license. It offers several advantages, including:

  1. Practice Exam Experience: A TTT provides you with the opportunity to gain a complete driving exam experience. This can help you become familiar with the exam conditions and the testing process, reducing nerves and boosting your confidence.

  2. Feedback: During the TTT, you receive feedback from the examiner regarding your driving skills. This feedback can be invaluable as it allows you to work on any weaknesses before taking the official practical driving test.

  3. Exemption from Special Maneuvers and “show me, tell me’ vehicle safety questions

    : If you successfully complete the special maneuvers (such as parking, turning assignments, etc.) during the TTT, you will be exempt from these components in the official practical driving test. This means you only need to focus on your driving behavior during the practical test.

  4. Reduced Exam Stress: Participating in a TTT allows you to become accustomed to the pressure and stress of a driving exam. This helps you better manage exam-related stress, increasing your chances of success in the practical test.

  5. Assessment of Your Progress: The TTT can help provide a realistic assessment of your driving skills and identify areas where improvement is needed. This can enable you to practice more effectively in preparation for the practical test.

In the Netherlands, a theory certificate for a car driver’s license (category B) is valid for 1.5 years from the day you pass the theory exam. This means that you must also take and pass your practical exam within 1.5 years of obtaining your theory certificate to obtain your driver’s license. If you haven’t taken the practical exam within that period, your theory certificate expires, and you will need to retake the theory exam.